Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

Sarah had a powerful encounter with God and came to know Him when she was chronically sick.
Jesus completely healed her and set her free. Her passion is to see others come to know Jesus as Healer as well as Saviour.
She teaches and ministers healing in churches, and in ladies and youth meeting. She is married to Mark and they have two daughters.
You prayed for a lump under my right arm and this weekend it completely disappeared. God has certainly blown all my fuses and really feel He has taken the boundaries off concerning healing.
Ear forming in Crosby – a 70 year old lady who had been born without an inner ear and had never heard from that side, God put the necessary parts in for her to hear.
Since you prayed for me on Saturday each day I have had a better nights sleep and last night was really good. I feel uplifted and I'm thanking God continually for His grace to me.
For any enquiries, please contact Sarah by email
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